Posted By freeproject on November 7, 2014
- Project Proposal Formulation
- The project proposal should be prepared in consultation with your guide. The project proposal should clearly state the project objectives and the environment of the proposed project to be undertaken. The project work should compulsorily include the software development. The project proposal should contain complete details in the following form:
- Proforma for Approval of Project Proposal (see page no.5) duly filled and signed by both the student and the Project Guide with date.
- Bio-data of the project guide with her/his signature and date.
- Synopsis of the project proposal (15-20 pages) covering the following aspects:
- Title of the Project.
- Introduction and Objectives of the Project.
- Project Category (RDBMS/OOPS/Networking/Multimedia/Artificial Intelligence/Expert Systems etc.).
- Tools/Platform, Hardware and Software Requirement specifications.
- Problem Definition, Requirement Specifications (Detailed functional Requirements and Technical Specifications), Project Planning and Scheduling (Gantt chart and PERT chart).
- Scope of the solution.
- Analysis (Data Models like 0, 1 and 2 level DFDs, Complete ER Diagrams with cardinality, Class Diagrams etc. as per the project requirements).
- A complete Database and tables detail with Primary and Foreign keys, and proper constraints in the fields (as per project requirements)
- A complete structure which includes:
- Number of modules and their description to provide an estimation of the student’s effort on the project. Along with process logic of each Module.
- Data Structures as per the project requirements for all the modules.
- Process Logic of each module.
- Implementation methodology
- List of reports that are likely to be generated.
- Overall network architecture (if required for your project)
- Implementation of security mechanisms at various levels
- Future scope and further enhancement of the project.
- Bibliography
- A self-addressed envelope with duly affixed postage stamps (to send it by ordinary post only) on it.
- Project proposal completed in all aspects with necessary enclosures should be sent to the Regional Director of the Regional Centre concerned. While posting your proposal to your Regional Centre, on the top of the envelope you should mention “MCA Project Proposal (MCSP-060)”. Under no circumstances, should the project proposal be sent to SOCIS, IGNOU, New Delhi.
- A project proposal, once approved, is valid for one year (two slots). In case, a student is unable to submit her/his project report as per the slot, s/he may be given another chance for
submission of the project report in the subsequent slot. If s/he still does not submit the project report, a fresh synopsis approval is needed. - All entries of the proforma of approval should be filled up with appropriate and complete information. Incomplete approval-proforma in any respect will be summarily rejected.
- A photocopy of the complete Project Proposal (along with Project Proforma, Project Synopsis, Bio-data of the guide) submitted to your Regional Centre, should be retained by the student for future reference.
- The evaluated project proposal proforma along with the details of Approved/Disapproved will be sent to the student within 4-6 weeks after the proposal is received at Regional Centre concerned. In case if it is disapproved, the suggestions for reformulating the project will be communicated to the student. Revised project proposal proforma, synopsis, bio-data of the guide with her/his signature on it, should be sent along with the original copy/photocopy of the non-approved proforma of the earlier project proposal, to the Regional Centre Concerned.
- The project is a part of your final semester (6th semesters) curriculum. Students are eligible to submit the project proposals after entering the 5th semester of MCA as per the calendar.
- In case the students require any project trainee letter from the University for doing a project in any organization/software company, they can get a “Project Trainee letter” (Refer page 21) attested by the Project Coordinator/Regional Director / Asst. Regional Director.
- Please ensure that at any given point of time, a guide should not provide guidance for more than 5 MCA students of IGNOU.
- Violation of the project guidelines will lead to the rejection of the project at any stage.