- Posted By: freeproject
- Comments: 0
Posted By freeproject on August 2, 2017
Multi User Chat Application Class Diagram describes the structure of a Multi User Chat Application classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among objects. The main classes of the Multi User Chat Application are Chat, Chat History, Chat Profile, User, Group Chat, Smiley Chat.
Classes of Multi User Chat Application Class Diagram:
- Chat Class : Manage all the operations of Chat
- Chat History Class : Manage all the operations of Chat History
- Chat Profile Class : Manage all the operations of Chat Profile
- User Class : Manage all the operations of User
- Group Chat Class : Manage all the operations of Group Chat
- Smiley Chat Class : Manage all the operations of Smiley Chat
Classes and their attributes of Multi User Chat Application Class Diagram:
- Chat Attributes : chat_id, chat_user_id, chat_type, chat_history, chat_time, chat_description
- Chat History Attributes : chat_history_id, chat_history_user_id, chat_history_type, chat_history_time, chat_history_description
- Chat Profile Attributes : profile_id, profile_user_id, profile_name, profile_type, profile_description
- User Attributes : user_id, user_name, user_mobile, user_email, user_username, user_password, user_address
- Group Chat Attributes : group_chat_id, group_chat_users_id, group_chat_type, group_chat_history, cgroup_hat_time, group_chat_description
- Smiley Chat Attributes : smilies_chat_id, smilies_chat_user_id, smilies_chat_type, smilies_chat_history, smilies_chat_time, smilies_chat_description
Classes and their methods of Multi User Chat Application Class Diagram:
- Chat Methods : addChat(), editChat(), deleteChat(), updateChat(), saveChat(), searchChat()
- Chat History Methods : addChat History(), editChat History(), deleteChat History(), updateChat History(), saveChat History(), searchChat History()
- Chat Profile Methods : addChat Profile(), editChat Profile(), deleteChat Profile(), updateChat Profile(), saveChat Profile(), searchChat Profile()
- User Methods : addUser(), editUser(), deleteUser(), updateUser(), saveUser(), searchUser()
- Group Chat Methods : addGroup Chat(), editGroup Chat(), deleteGroup Chat(), updateGroup Chat(), saveGroup Chat(), searchGroup Chat()
- Smiley Chat Methods : addSmiley Chat(), editSmiley Chat(), deleteSmiley Chat(), updateSmiley Chat(), saveSmiley Chat(), searchSmiley Chat()
Class Diagram of Multi User Chat Application :
Class Diagram Image:
![Multi User Chat Application Class Diagram Multi User Chat Application Class Diagram](https://freeprojectz.com/sites/default/files/Multi%20User%20Chat%20Application_1.jpeg)