- Posted By: freeproject
- Comments: 0
Posted By freeproject on August 2, 2017
Railway Ticket Reservation system Class Diagram describes the structure of a Railway Ticket Reservation system classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among objects. The main classes of the Railway Ticket Reservation system are Trains, Timetable, Fare, Stations, Booking, Customers.
Classes of Railway Ticket Reservation system Class Diagram:
- Trains Class : Manage all the operations of Trains
- Timetable Class : Manage all the operations of Timetable
- Fare Class : Manage all the operations of Fare
- Stations Class : Manage all the operations of Stations
- Booking Class : Manage all the operations of Booking
- Customers Class : Manage all the operations of Customers
Classes and their attributes of Railway Ticket Reservation system Class Diagram:
- Trains Attributes : train_id, train_name, train_number, train_seat_number, train_ticket, train_type, train_description
- Timetable Attributes : timetable_id,rain_id, timetable_name, timetable_type, timetable_description timetable_t
- Fare Attributes : fare_id, fare_ticket_id, fare_title, fare_type, fare_description
- Stations Attributes : station_id, station_name, station_type, station_description
- Booking Attributes : booking_id, booking_title, booking_type, booking_ticket, booking_date, booking_description
- Customers Attributes : customer_id, customer_name, customer_mobile, customer_email, customer_username, customer_password, customer_address
Classes and their methods of Railway Ticket Reservation system Class Diagram:
- Trains Methods : addTrains(), editTrains(), deleteTrains(), updateTrains(), saveTrains(), searchTrains()
- Timetable Methods : addTimetable(), editTimetable(), deleteTimetable(), updateTimetable(), saveTimetable(), searchTimetable()
- Fare Methods : addFare(), editFare(), deleteFare(), updateFare(), saveFare(), searchFare()
- Stations Methods : addStations(), editStations(), deleteStations(), updateStations(), saveStations(), searchStations()
- Booking Methods : addBooking(), editBooking(), deleteBooking(), updateBooking(), saveBooking(), searchBooking()
- Customers Methods : addCustomers(), editCustomers(), deleteCustomers(), updateCustomers(), saveCustomers(), searchCustomers()
Class Diagram of Railway Ticket Reservation system :
Class Diagram Image: