E-Shopping Android Project

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Posted By freeproject on August 27, 2020

Introduction to E-Shopping Android Project

Are you a computer science student looking for an exciting project? Look no further! The E-Shopping Android Project Source Code Download is perfect for you. This project is ideal for those in their final year, as it provides a comprehensive understanding of how to develop an e-shopping application. Whether you are working on a mini project or a major project, this source code will be incredibly useful. By working on this project, you will gain hands-on experience and enhance your coding skills.

Benefits of Working on E-Shopping Android Project

One of the main advantages of choosing the Final Year Projects on E-Shopping Android Project is that it is highly relevant in today's digital age. E-shopping apps are widely used, and developing one will give you practical knowledge that is in high demand. Additionally, you can find Live projects on E-Shopping Android Project that will allow you to see how your code performs in real-world scenarios. This experience is invaluable and will make your resume stand out to potential employers.

How to Get Started with E-Shopping Android Project

Getting started with the Download Computer Science Students Project on E-Shopping Android Project is easy. First, you need to download the source code. This will give you a solid foundation to build upon. Next, follow the step-by-step guide on How to develop E-Shopping Android Project. This guide will walk you through the entire process, from setting up your development environment to deploying your app. Whether you are working on E-Shopping Android Project B.Tech Projects or just looking for a mini project download, this guide will be your best friend. Finally, don't forget to check out the Major project download on E-Shopping Android Project for more advanced features and functionalities. In conclusion, the E-Shopping Android Project is an excellent choice for computer science students. It offers practical experience, is highly relevant, and is easy to get started with. So, what are you waiting for? Download the source code today and start developing your e-shopping app! Android Project on E-Shopping System

Android Project on E-Shopping System

E-Shopping System is an Android-based project. Through the E-Shopping mobile app, users can select and purchase products, and make payments online. This E-Shopping System is developed in Android Studio using Java and is a native Android app. To run and configure the E-Shopping System Android Project on your system, you must have Android Studio. This is an API-driven project where all data items are fetched from a database using APIs.

Objective of the E-Shopping Android Project

The main objective of developing the E-Shopping Android Project is to provide customers with an Android platform from which they can order products using their mobile devices. This project includes two types of interfaces: one for customers, which is the Android Application for the Shopping System, and another for admins, which is the online shopping system web API. This Android project on Online Shopping encompasses all shopping features, such as product details, add to cart, search product, payment, and order history. The user interface is designed to be simple and user-friendly, allowing customers to easily navigate through the pages and find products. We have also implemented a dummy payment system for making payments. This is a major Android-based project suitable for submission as a final year Android project.

Users of the Project

There are two types of users in this project:

  • Admin User: The super admin user has full rights to manage all products displayed in the e-shopping Android app on customer mobile devices. The admin can manage all shopping products, customers, and orders. The admin interface is developed in PHP and MySQL and can be accessed from a browser.
  • Customer User: The customer interface is designed in Android Studio, allowing customers to register, log in, and order products.

Admin User Functionalities

  • Login for Admin
  • Logout Functionality
  • Dashboard for Admin User
  • Manage Products
    • Add New Products
    • Edit Existing Products
    • View Product Details
    • List All Products
  • Manage Product Categories
    • Add New Product Categories
    • Edit Existing Product Categories
    • View Product Category Details
    • List All Product Categories
  • Manage Orders
    • View All Orders
    • Update Order Status
  • Reports of the E-Shopping System
    • Report of All Orders
    • Report of All Product Categories
    • Report of All Products

Customer Android App Functionalities

  • Login for Customer
  • Logout Functionality
  • Customer Registration
  • Customer My Account
  • Search and List Products
  • View Available Product Categories
  • View Product Details with Images
  • Add/Delete Products from Cart with Quantity
  • Pay Online or Use Cash on Delivery Option
  • View Order History and Order Items

Technology Stack and Tools for the Project

  • Android XML: Page layout designed in Android XML
  • Android: Developed on the Android Platform
  • Java: All coding written in Java
  • API: API-based system developed in PHP
  • MySQL: MySQL database used for the API server
  • Android Studio: Used for developing the project

Supported Operating Systems

This project can be configured on the following operating systems:

  • Windows: Easily configured on Windows OS. Requires Android Studio.
  • Linux: Compatible with all versions of Linux OS.
  • Mac: Easily configured on Mac OS.

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E-Shopping Android Project
E-Shopping Android Project

Introduction to E-Shopping Android Project

Are you a computer science student looking for an exciting project? Look no further! The E-Shopping Android Project Source Code Download is perfect for you. This project is ideal for those in their final year, as it provides a comprehensive understanding of how to develop an e-shopping application. Whether you are working on a mini project or a major project, this source code will be incredibly useful. By working on this project, you will gain hands-on experience and enhance your coding skills.
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E-Shopping Android Project
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8000 INR / $ 200 USD
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