- Posted By: freeproject
- Comments: 0
Posted By freeproject on August 2, 2017
Internet Cafe Class Diagram describes the structure of a Internet Cafe classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among objects. The main classes of the Internet Cafe are Users, Internet, Time slot, Bills, Report Generate, Login.
Classes of Internet Cafe Class Diagram:
- Users Class : Manage all the operations of Users
- Internet Class : Manage all the operations of Internet
- Time slot Class : Manage all the operations of Time slot
- Bills Class : Manage all the operations of Bills
- Report Generate Class : Manage all the operations of Report Generate
- Login Class : Manage all the operations of Login
Classes and their attributes of Internet Cafe Class Diagram:
- Users Attributes : user_id, user_name, user_mobile, user_email, user_username, user_password, user_address
- Internet Attributes : internet_id, internet_name, internet_speed, internet_charge, internet_type, internet_description
- Time slot Attributes : time_slot_id, time_slot_name, time_slot_duration, time_slot_type, time_slot_description
- Bills Attributes : bill_id, bill_customer_id, bill_number, bill_type, bill_receipt, bill_description
- Report Generate Attributes : report_id, report_name, report_type, report_description
- Login Attributes : login_id, login_user_id, login_role_id, login_username, login_password, login_lastlogin
Classes and their methods of Internet Cafe Class Diagram:
- Users Methods : addUsers(), editUsers(), deleteUsers(), updateUsers(), saveUsers(), searchUsers()
- Internet Methods : addInternet(), editInternet(), deleteInternet(), updateInternet(), saveInternet(), searchInternet()
- Time slot Methods : addTime slot(), editTime slot(), deleteTime slot(), updateTime slot(), saveTime slot(), searchTime slot()
- Bills Methods : addBills(), editBills(), deleteBills(), updateBills(), saveBills(), searchBills()
- Report Generate Methods : addReport Generate(), editReport Generate(), deleteReport Generate(), updateReport Generate(), saveReport Generate(), searchReport Generate()
- Login Methods : addLogin(), editLogin(), deleteLogin(), updateLogin(), saveLogin(), searchLogin()
Class Diagram of Internet Cafe :
Class Diagram Image: